airtickting course in burewala In Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Peshawar)


airtickting course in burewala, Pakistan

airtickting course in burewala,airtickting course in burewala,airtickting course in burewala,airtickting course in burewala,Technology has made a significant impact on the number of ticket agent jobs available. Many airlines are moving to automated ticket less travel and therefore have reduced the need for some workers. However, despite what the Internet and future technology brings, ticket agent job openings will continue to become available as workers leave for retirement, new occupations, promotions etc. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, passenger services can never be fully automated, primarily for safety and security reasons Ticket agent job availability is dependant on the economy. During recessions, discretionary passenger travel declines, and transportation service companies are less likely to hire new workers and even may resort to layoffs, states the Occupational Outlook handbook. Training On-the-job training is provided especially on the computers and specific airline policies and procedures. Although employers provide on-the-job training, there are training courses are available. Training courses provide experience and, in some cases, internships. Students are provided with a certificate upon completion of the course. Such certificates improve your credentials and may put you at an advantage when seeking employment. To locate educational facilities with programs related to this position, search Avjobs Aviation School Directory. The Avjobs Aviation School Directory makes researching and finding an aviation college, university, flight school or professional training facility simpus Why did you become an Airline Ticket Agent For the flying benefits. Would you encourage others to become involved Why Yes, if you are interested in travel and people. How does one prepare for this career Training, certificate, degree, etc. Have a customer service background, and learn to deal well with people. What skills or abilities do you think someone should have before entering this field Customer service and sales experience. What do you enjoy most about your job Flying around the world and meeting all kinds of new people. What is the most frustrating thing about your job You do not always have a set schedule, and the rules changed quit frequently. What pleasant things happened that balance the stress of this job Meeting interesting people and your coworkers. How do you deal with the stress involved in working with angry airline passengers suggestions for others Try to empathize with them and kill them with kindness. How is math used on a daily basis Please provide an example. Most things are computerized. What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you as an Airline Ticket Agent Meeting famous people and making good friends. How is communication used daily Can you provide an example of a problem with communicationlistening and how you solved it You are constantly dealing with others and communication is not the same with all people. How are decisions part of your daily job Please provide an example. How would an Airline Ticket Agent make such a decision Without having a supervisor, many times you have to decide what is acceptable and what is not. What do you find rewarding about your job Happy customers, and making them happy. What stereotypes or misconceptions exist about this field and what is the truth behind them That it is a glamorous job, but it is a lot of hard work. Do you have a personal work philosophy that has driven you to accomplish what you have Do your best, no matter what the situation is. What advice would you give someone pursuing this field Dont give up, work hard, you will be rewarded in the end. What future do you see with this field The Occupational Outlook Handbook suggests this field is overloaded with people. Do you agree Why or why not No. There is a very high turnover rate in this field. What is the average starting pay for an Airline Ticket Agent Around 10.00 per hour, but it depends on the company. Do you think the use of computers will help this field grow, or require fewer Airline Ticket Agents I think it will help it grow. There will always be problems that actual people have to deal with.

Map Location For airtickting course in burewala, Pakistan

Map Location For airtickting course in burewala In Pakistan